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What is a buyer profile?

Buyer profile VOB - according to § 11 para. 2 VOB/A (contracting rules for award of public works)

(2) The public client can set a buyer profile on the Internet, where all information such as the point of contact, the telephone and fax number, the postal and e-mail address as well as details on tendering procedures, planned and awarded contracts or discontinued procedures may be published.

Buyer profile VOL - according to § 15 EU para. 5 VOL/A (contracting rules for award of public supplies and services)

(5) The public client can set a buyer profile on the Internet. The profile contains details on planned and current tendering procedures, on awarded contracts as well as every other information that is relevant to the award of a contract as for example the point of contact, the telephone and fax number, the postal and e-mail address of the public client.